teisipäev, 12. juuli 2016

PUMPS 2016 - Second day

Today there were three lectures covering mostly topics about sparse data, computational thinking, performance tools and higher level programming (Numba, PyCUDA etc.). After the lectures the second practical task had to be completed.
Second day lecture slides:

The purpose of the practical part was to make students understand sparse matrix storage formats and their impacts on performance using sparse matrix-vector multiplication as an example. The formats used where Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) and Jagged Diagonal Storage (JDS).
Illustrative schema from the instructions of the practical part
After the official part was over I took time to roam around Barcelona (PUMPS 2016 takes place at the UPC in Barcelona). People here seem friendly and I have only good words on the local food (I try to stay away from Burger King and MacDonald's).
Picture taken on the roof of  Arenas de Barcelona

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